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Liposuction is a surgical cosmetic enhancement procedure that can help both women and men reduce excess fat that has collected in specific areas of the body. Pockets of excess fat can affect even those who are otherwise in the best shape of their lives, and they can be frustratingly resistant to strict dietary regimens and regular exercise programs. Liposuction from our experienced plastic surgeons here at Luxxery Boutique can effectively diminish excess fat and create enhanced contours in a variety of body areas.

Quick Facts About Liposuction:

  • Candidacy: Patients who are in good overall health, are at or near their goal weight, have one or more areas of stubborn, unwanted fatty tissue, and relatively elastic skin quality are often ideal candidates for this procedure.
  • Potential Benefits: Liposuction removes fat deposits that have proven resistant to diet and exercise. This treatment can be performed on virtually any area of the body and result in more defined contours.
  • Procedure: Usually, liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia.
  • Surgery: The surgery typically lasts approximately one to three hours, depending on the treatment plan.
  • Cost: The starting cost of liposuction for one area is $6,000 and typically ranges from $7,000–$9,000. Total prices vary among patients due to unique factors associated with the customized treatment plan.

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction can be an ideal treatment for individuals who would like to reduce excess fat pockets in areas such as the:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Flanks/”Love Handles”
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Calves
  • Ankles
  • Arms
  • Back
  • Breasts

The best candidates for liposuction are typically individuals who are close to the ideal weight for their body type but are experiencing pockets of excess fat in isolated areas that are simply not responding to diet and exercise. Candidates should also be in relatively good overall health and have reasonable expectations for the results of liposuction. It is important to note that liposuction is not intended to be a weight loss treatment—it is a procedure that is primarily designed to recontour specific body areas by removing collections of isolated, excess fat.

During your initial, complimentary consultation, our plastic surgeon will talk with you about your concerns and determine whether you are an ideal candidate for liposuction. If so, our doctor will create a customized treatment plan designed to meet your expectations with beautiful results.

“I was so afraid to actually go to a plastic surgeon. Dr. Hakki and all his staff made me feel so comfortable. His nurses really helped me through my recovery and explained everything along the way. I am so happy I decided to actually do it. Dr. Hakki really did change my life. Just do it !!!”


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Although these treatments have a similar goal in mind, the ideal candidate, procedure, and expectations may vary. Some of the more prominent differences between liposuction and CoolSculpting® include:


  • Targets larger or more severe pockets of fat or fat cells in specific areas
  • Surgical treatment but typically an outpatient procedure
  • Eliminates fat cells by quite literally a “suction” process
  • Healing time of days to weeks
  • One-time treatment as long as patients maintain a healthy lifestyle and limit weight fluctuations 
  • Usually quicker, more noticeable results


  • Intended for mild to moderate buildup of excess fat in smaller areas
  • Non-invasive treatment without incisions or anesthesia
  • Cools & breaks down fat cells, which are then filtered out of the body via natural metabolism 
  • Generally, no recovery time is needed
  • May take multiple sessions for optimal results
  • More gradual fat reduction over time

In some cases, CoolSculpting® in addition to traditional liposuction can elevate your goal toward achieving the most natural-looking result. During your initial consultation, Dr. Ayman Hakki will discuss the best treatment plan for your individual needs. 


Liposuction and tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) can both enhance the contours of the abdomen; however, they each target a different concern that may be difficult to improve with diet and exercise. Liposuction can be ideal for those seeking excess fat removal and/or eliminating stubborn fat pockets, while tummy tuck surgery is better suited to tighten and/or remove excess, loose skin, as well as to tighten or repair abdominal muscles. The main difference between liposuction and tummy tuck surgery is that liposuction can only remove excess fat cells—it is not capable of removing/tightening the skin and it does not address the abdominal muscles in comparison to what a tummy tuck can accomplish. 

Generally, each procedure is an outpatient surgery that will require days to weeks of recovery time at home with similar side effects of swelling and bruising. It’s also important to know both procedures may be paired together at the same time for patients who are affected by both excess fat and excess skin in the abdominal region. Dr. Ayman Hakki will review all options with you during the initial consultation to create a completely customized treatment plan unique to your enhancement goals. 

What Does the Liposuction Procedure Involve?

Our plastic surgeons typically utilize one of two advanced liposuction methods: the tumescent technique or the “super-wet” technique. Both of these approaches can allow for an easier extraction of excess fat cells in the targeted areas and reduce blood loss during the procedure. Our surgeon will begin by making tiny incisions in the treatment area, followed by insertion of long, thin tubes called cannulas. These cannulas will be used to carefully suction out the excess fat and produce enhanced body contours. Residual scarring from liposuction is often barely noticeable since the incisions required for this treatment are typically quite small.

Liposuction is usually performed as an outpatient procedure and requires general anesthesia in many cases. Large-volume liposuction may necessitate an overnight hospital stay for some patients.

Liposuction can be extraordinarily effective on its own, or combined with tummy tuck surgery or other body contouring procedures for a more comprehensive aesthetic makeover.

What Can I Expect During Recovery from Liposuction?

Patients can expect bruising, swelling, and tenderness in the treated areas following the liposuction procedure; however, these effects should fade over the next few days and weeks. Our plastic surgeon will likely prescribe a compression garment to be worn for a specified period of time after surgery to help control swelling. Medication can alleviate discomfort during the recovery process. Most patients who have relatively small volumes of fat extracted are able to return to some of their normal daily routines after a few days. Individuals who have had larger amounts of fat removed may need at least a week of rest and recovery.

Would you like to learn more about liposuction and how it may help you achieve your cosmetic enhancement goals? Please contact Luxxery Boutique for additional information, or to schedule a complimentary consultation.


Generally, the initial results of liposuction can be seen immediately following surgery, and even more so once the majority of the swelling subsides. For many patients, there should be a noticeable difference in body shape after about two weeks and more visible results around three months post-surgery.

Patients seeking liposuction will usually agree their expectations are for a lifelong improvement. The good news is they can be, as long as a steady weight is maintained through regular diet and exercise. The extracted fat is permanently eliminated during the liposuction procedure, but weight fluctuations can play a role in other areas succumbing to storing fat cells and fat pockets. The best strategy is to continue to work on a healthy lifestyle to maximize consistent, long-term results.


Due to the very thin, special instruments (known as cannulas) used to suction out the excess fat during liposuction, the surgery typically does not create lengthy incisions, and therefore often results in very small scars. As the healing process continues within the first year post-surgery, many patients typically experience beautiful liposuction results with minimal visible scarring. During this time, scars may even begin to lighten, flatten, and blend in with your skin.

There are certain elements that may influence scars and the healing process, such as genetics, skin quality, following post-surgery instructions, use of skincare products specifically for scars, and other factors. Those who may be prone to hypertrophic, or keloid scars should mention this during their initial consultation.

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Ayman Hakki, takes great care with both incision placement and wound closure. He will customize this procedure with the goal of making any residual scarring as small and hidden as possible.

Is Liposuction Safe?

Liposuction is typically considered a safe procedure when it is performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. There are inherent risks with any surgical procedure, but if it is performed in a well-equipped surgical facility by a skilled and highly-qualified plastic surgeon, the risks can be lowered. For Dr. Ayman Hakki, the safety, comfort, and well-being of the patients are his top priorities. He is happy to discuss any concerns or questions you may have at your consultation.


At Luxxery Boutique, the starting cost for liposuction in one body area begins at $6,000 and typically ranges from approximately $7,000 – $9,000. These costs usually include the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, use of the surgical facility, and follow-up care. Each liposuction procedure is a personal experience so the overall cost will depend on your customized treatment plan. Prices and fees generally include the number of areas and location of the areas treated, the amount of fat that is removed, and pre- and/or post-surgery medicines.

Although liposuction cost varies, Dr. Ayman Hakki offers a free consultation to discuss a more personalized pricing estimate. You will also have the opportunity to meet with a financial coordinator to discuss available payment and financing options to meet your goals and budget. Please contact our office in Waldorf, MD if you have questions, would like more information, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation.  

Can Liposuction Improve Cellulite?

Liposuction is designed to reduce stubborn excess fat and contour the shape of the body, but is not a treatment to eliminate cellulite. The procedure may slightly reduce signs of skin puckering and the appearance of cellulite to a certain extent for some patients, but it is unlikely to completely remove it. This is due to the fact that cellulite is caused by the tightening of fibrous bands of tissue under the skin, ultimately pulling surface layers down and creating the tell-tale “dimples” that are characteristic of cellulite. Liposuction will have virtually no effect on those conditions as it can only remove excess fat cells from the area targeted for treatment.

Liposuction And Fat Transfer

When it comes to transferring fat, liposuction can be combined with other procedures for optimal results.

Natural breast augmentation with fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, is designed to enhance the fullness of breasts by taking excess fat from another area of the body and injecting it into the breast tissue. It can be a standalone procedure or combined with breast implants. Liposuction is used to harvest the excess fat for breast enhancement, essentially providing a double-benefit for body contouring.

With facial fat transfer, fat from one area of the body is transferred to a facial region to enhance volume and definition. By utilizing liposuction, those fat cells are harvested and evenly distributed via injections. This procedure is meant to restore volume in the face and smooth creases.

Our plastic surgeon can talk with you about liposuction and fat transfer options to determine if this advanced procedure may be right for your needs.

Additional Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions

Is liposuction painful?

As part of the liposuction procedure, the anesthetic component should ensure that patients do not experience any pain for the duration of the process. Following the procedure, oral pain medication may be used as directed to ease any symptoms of discomfort. Our plastic surgeon is highly skilled with utilizing advanced liposuction techniques and surgical instruments to help support an easier recovery. Patient attentiveness to following all post-procedure aftercare instructions can also maximize the potential for the smoothest recovery possible.

Is liposuction covered by insurance?

In general, most insurance plans will not cover the cost of liposuction procedures as they are widely considered to be an elective cosmetic procedure for aesthetic purposes. However, Luxxery Boutique works with several trusted third-party financing lenders that offer low, monthly payment options for qualified candidates. We also accept a number of other convenient forms of payment. Our office will be happy to answer your questions about the best options for your needs.

How much weight can you lose with liposuction?

Although liposuction is designed to sculpt and recontour targeted areas of the body by removing stubborn fat, it is not intended as a weight loss procedure. Ideal candidates should be at or near their goal weight prior to the procedure and interested in removing pockets of fatty tissue that are resistant to diet and exercise. Even when large amounts of fat are extracted via liposuction, patients are typically at a similar weight once the procedure is complete.

How can I reduce swelling after liposuction?

To help reduce swelling after liposuction, a specialized compression garment will be provided and should be worn as directed by our surgeon. Gentle movements and light walking are also helpful to promote blood flow and ease symptoms of swelling in combination with getting adequate rest and elevating the treatment areas, if possible. However, each patient should follow their specific post-procedure recovery instructions as determined by their customized treatment plan.

How old do you have to be to undergo liposuction?

It is generally advised that liposuction patients be at least 18 years of age or older. This can help to ensure that candidates, along with being in good overall health, meet the requirement of having the emotional maturity to set realistic expectations of what a liposuction procedure may accomplish for the individual.