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BodyTite LogoBodyTite by InMode is a remarkably advanced body contouring procedure that utilizes radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis (RFAL) technology to reduce signs of loose, excess skin in specific body areas and provide a tighter, firmer appearance. This minimally invasive treatment is often performed in combination with liposuction to more easily remove excess fat and address loose skin; however, BodyTite can also be effective as a standalone procedure for ideal candidates, depending on their unique needs and goals. BodyTite is capable of producing results that are comparable to more traditional surgical fat removal techniques while reducing the amount of post-operative swelling, bruising, scarring, and recovery time.

Our skilled plastic surgeon at Luxxery Boutique, Dr. Ayman Hakki, is excited to offer this innovative option for body contouring that can provide firmer skin and beautiful new contours.

Am I a Candidate for BodyTite?

Candidates for BodyTite are typically individuals who are relatively close to the average healthy weight for their body type but are experiencing isolated fat pockets and/or loose skin in certain areas that are not responding to conventional diet and exercise routines.

BodyTite can be performed in a number of areas exhibiting signs of excess fat pockets and/or excess, inelastic skin. These areas include:

  • Abdomen
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Flanks
  • Arms
  • Back

Our plastic surgeon can meet with you for an initial consultation and determine whether BodyTite is an ideal option for your unique needs and goals. If you are a good candidate for BodyTite as a standalone procedure or as a complement to liposuction surgery, our surgeon will develop a customized treatment plan designed to achieve your expectations with exceptional results.

What Does the BodyTite Procedure Involve?

BodyTite involves the insertion of a very small probe through tiny incisions made in the area targeted for treatment, as well as the application of an external probe on the skin’s surface. These devices heat both the surface skin layer and the subcutaneous fat layers, stimulating tissue contraction while melting underlying fat cells. This combination can ultimately help tighten loose skin while making it much easier to extract the fat cells, typically resulting in less trauma to surrounding tissues and a quicker, more comfortable recovery, even when used as a complement to liposuction surgery.

For many individuals, BodyTite can be performed with local anesthesia and/or light sedation rather than general anesthesia.

What Can I Expect During Recovery from BodyTite?

Most patients are able to resume their normal daily routines within a few days after the BodyTite procedure, depending on the extent of treatment. Some degree of bruising and swelling can be expected in the areas that were treated with BodyTite; however, these effects should diminish as the areas heal. A compression garment may be prescribed to control swelling and ensure proper healing during recovery. Compared to other surgical body contouring options, BodyTite’s recovery period is not as extensive for most patients. Strenuous exercise/activity should be avoided for a minimum of one to two weeks. Our plastic surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions designed to help you achieve the safest and smoothest recovery possible.

Would you like to learn more about BodyTite? Please contact Luxxery Boutique with any questions you may have, or to schedule a consultation.