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Neck Lift

Even though close in proximity, preventing signs of aging in the neck area often take a back seat to facial skin care and aesthetic maintenance. The natural aging process, sun exposure, smoking, and weight fluctuations can all be attributed to sagging and excess skin, wrinkles, fatty deposits, and horizontal bands around the neck and under the chin. Fortunately, our board-certified plastic surgeon in Waldorf, Dr. Ayman R. Hakki, offers neck lift surgery to remove excess skin, tighten descended muscles, and smooth the neck area and jawline for a rejuvenated, more youthful appearance.

Quick Facts About a Neck Lift:

  • Procedure: Outpatient with general anesthesia
  • Ideal Candidates: Individuals experiencing sagging skin, wrinkles, and horizontal neck banding
  • Recovery: About 4-7 days before resuming light activities for most patients; 4-6 weeks before resuming more strenuous activities
  • Primary Benefits: Improves signs of aging on the neck with sleeker, more defined contours
  • Cost: Neck lifting alone (without a facelift in combination) starts at approximately $10,000

Am I a Candidate for Neck Lift Surgery?

There are several ways to address aesthetic concerns around the neck area depending on the most prominent visible indicators. Generally, ideal candidates for a neck lift are looking to improve one or more of the following conditions around the neck and under the chin:

  • Sagging and/or excess skin
  • Wrinkles or crepey skin
  • Horizontal neck bands
  • Skin folds and deep lines
  • Fatty deposits collected around weakened muscles

Candidates for neck lift surgery should be in good overall health and non-smokers, as certain health conditions and tobacco use can complicate the recovery process. During a consultation with Dr. Hakki, he will assess the condition of the neck area and evaluate your overall health to determine if a neck lift, or alternative rejuvenation treatment, is right for you.

What Does the Neck Lift Procedure Involve?

Neck lift surgery is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under sedation or general anesthesia. The particulars of each surgery vary depending on the concerns that will be addressed, the condition of the skin, and whether procedures such as a facelift or other treatments are being performed in combination. Generally, incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, such as behind the ears, in the lower hairline, or underneath the chin, to reduce sagging tissue, tighten the muscles, and smooth the remaining skin. Liposuction may also be recommended to eliminate fat pockets if excess fat is a significant cause of the aesthetic concern.

What Can I Expect During Neck Lift Recovery?

As part of neck lift surgery recovery, patients may experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness that should all gradually fade as the body heals. A compression bandage under the jaw should be worn for several days to aid in the recovery process and a drain may be necessary during that time to help remove excess fluid buildup under the skin. Dr. Hakki usually recommends keeping the head and neck elevated and using cold compresses to relieve and control swelling. Most individuals should be able to return to work and light activities within one week, but this will depend on the patient’s unique rate of healing. Strenuous activities should be on hold until at least four to six weeks after surgery, depending on the progress at your follow-up appointments and medical clearance by your doctor.

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost?

At Luxxery Boutique, the starting price range for neck lift surgery is about $10,000. The exact cost will be based on each patient’s individual treatment plan determined during a consultation with Dr. Hakki. Estimated pricing typically includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, use of the surgical facility, and follow-up care; however, other fees may apply. Our team will be happy to review all costs with you, along with payment and financing options for eligible applicants, to help you find the most financially convenient way to achieve your cosmetic enhancement goals.

To learn more about neck lift procedures at Luxxery Boutique, or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hakki, contact us today.