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Breast Lift – Mastopexy

Breast lift surgery (or “mastopexy”), is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of sagging breasts by tightening the skin and giving the breasts a more youthful projection. The development of breast ptosis (sagginess) and loose skin that creates a “drooping” appearance is extremely common and often results from the natural aging process, pregnancy, genetic factors, fluctuations in weight, or even just the force of gravity. A breast lift from one of our skilled plastic surgeons here at Luxxery Boutique can effectively rejuvenate the breasts with beautiful, natural-looking results.

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Am I a Candidate for Breast Lift Surgery?

The best candidates for breast lift surgery are typically those who are looking to:

  • Improve signs of sagging, drooping breasts
  • Reposition the breasts and nipples to a higher location on the chest
  • Enhance breast contour and shape
  • Reduce the size of the areolas
  • Relocate the nipples to a more centralized position on the breasts

Women who are experiencing moderate to severe breast ptosis are often excellent candidates for breast lift surgery. Some individuals may be candidates for a “minor” breast lift if the nipples are not currently positioned too low on the breasts; however, a minor breast lift does not tighten the breast tissue or lift the breasts.

The Pencil Test

One simple way that you can determine whether you may need a breast lift is called the “Pencil Test.” This can be done at home in front of a mirror. Stand as straight as possible with your shoulders back and place a standard pencil under the breast at the crease where the breast meets the chest. A bra should not be worn during the test. Once you slide the pencil under the breast, let go of it. If the pencil immediately falls to the ground, this may indicate that the breasts are not sagging. If it remains where you placed it, this can be a sign that some degree of breast ptosis (sagginess) has set in, as the weight of the breast tissue is holding the pencil in place. While the Pencil Test is rather informal, it can help many women determine on their own whether their breasts have begun to sag. If so, a breast lift consultation can be scheduled to provide a professional evaluation.

If loss of breast volume is also a concern, our doctor can talk with you about a breast lift with implants procedure, which combines breast lift surgery with breast augmentation to enhance breast size as well as improve skin firmness and the position of the breasts. Our experienced plastic surgeon will evaluate your needs and determine whether a customized breast lift treatment plan is ideal for your ultimate goals. 

Degrees of Breast Ptosis

An individual experiencing ptosis will typically show a gradual sagging of the lower breast below the natural breast crease and drooping, downward nipples. There are several different degrees of ptosis, ranging from mild to severe:


Pseudoptosis is the mildest form of descending breast tissue. In this case, the breasts are falling just below the crease where the lower area of the breast meets the chest – known as the inframammary fold – but the nipples are still located above the breast crease.

Grade I Ptosis

During grade I ptosis, the breasts will sag slightly more than in the pseudoptosis phase and the nipples will align more noticeably at the inframammary fold level.

Grade II Ptosis

This degree of ptosis signifies that breasts are sagging more moderately below the inframammary fold, and the nipples are now drooping below the fold as well.

Grade III Ptosis

This final grade of ptosis is the most severe, causing both breasts and nipples to sag below the inframammary fold and the nipples to point at a downward angle.

What Does the Breast Lift Procedure Involve?

A breast lift can be performed using a number of distinct surgical approaches—the best option for your needs will be decided based on the severity of breast ptosis and your treatment goals. In most cases, an incision will first be made around the nipple and areola area. Then, an incision will be made from that area down to the underside of the breast where the breast tissue meets the chest wall. Excess, inelastic skin will be extracted and the remaining skin will be tightened, while the breasts and nipples will be moved to a new, more youthful and “perky” position.

While general anesthesia is required for breast lift surgery, it should be noted that this procedure is typically performed as an outpatient and should not require an overnight hospital stay.

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What Can I Expect During Recovery from Breast Lift Surgery?

Every patient has unique needs and the recovery experience is somewhat different among individuals. With that in mind, most patients only require about a week of rest and recovery after breast lift surgery before resuming work or other normal daily activities. Swelling, tenderness, and bruising can be expected during the healing process, and a surgical bra may be prescribed for a certain amount of time after surgery. Patients should avoid lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous upper body exercises for a minimum of one month following the breast lift procedure. Our doctor will provide detailed post-operative guidelines to help you obtain the safest and smoothest recovery possible.

If you have additional questions about breast lift surgery, or if you are ready to schedule a complimentary consultation to explore your options, please contact Luxxury Boutique today.

How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last?

This restorative cosmetic procedure is designed to tighten and restructure the internal connective breast tissue, which often allows mastopexy patients to enjoy long-term results. In order to sustain these positive results, self-maintenance is key:

  • Sustain a stable weight – a healthy diet and exercise are important to limit weight fluctuation, which also helps to avoid repeated stretching of the skin and growing breast size
  • Take care of your skin – restrictive sun exposure and applying sunscreen to the chest help to nourish and improve skin laxity
  • Wait for the right time – most surgeons recommend holding off on a breast lift until your family plans are complete, as pregnancy and breastfeeding can alter your mastopexy outcome

Typically, choosing a qualified and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon and ensuring proper post-procedure care makes it very likely to enjoy your breast lift results for many years to come.

Will I Need Breast Implants with My Breast Lift?

The decision to add breast implants to your breast lift surgery will be determined by your cosmetic needs and goals. If you are looking to lift and tighten the breast tissue while also restoring volume for a larger breast size, it may be beneficial to you to combine a breast lift with a breast augmentation procedure. During your initial consultation, Dr. Hakki will give you a full evaluation to discover the most sensible ways for you to achieve fuller, perkier, more youthful breasts while conveying a natural appearance.

Can I Breastfeed After Breast Lift Surgery?

In general, undergoing breast lift surgery should not impact an individual’s ability to breastfeed as long as the individual is naturally able to breastfeed in the first place. While many women naturally have this ability, many others do not. To ensure you and your surgeon communicate all relevant information, it’s best to let the surgeon know your future plans about breastfeeding so they may use special techniques that can help protect the nerves, glands, and milk ducts associated with breastfeeding. Patients are typically advised to hold off on these types of elective cosmetic procedures until their family is complete, as pregnancy and breastfeeding can both naturally alter your body’s appearance and impact the final outcome of surgical results.

How Noticeable Are Breast Lift Scars?

As with all of the incisional surgeries he performs, Dr. Hakki works meticulously to place the surgical incisions as inconspicuously as possible and minimize the appearance of scars. Mild cases of ptosis may lend an easier entrance to perform the procedure by making incisions around the areola, therefore blending in with the nipple area. If performing the more traditional technique, incisions will be created around the areola down to the crease of the breast and along the breast fold. Even with the more apparent incision locations, most scarring can still be covered by a bra, swimsuit, clothing, etc. and the scars themselves should fade to an extent over time.

How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?

Luxxery Boutique offers several breast lift options with pricing as follows:

  • Breast Lift (Minor or Circum-areolar) – $4,000 – $5,000
  • Breast Lift (Major or Full Mastopexy) – $8,000 – $10,000
  • Breast Lift with Implants – $11,000 – $15,000

These price ranges typically include the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, use of the surgical facility, and follow-up care but there may be separate charges for items such as pre-operative testing, blood work, and special equipment. During the discovery appointment, Dr. Hakki will review the best options available for your unique goals and concerns as well as provide an individualized treatment plan with estimated pricing. Each patient has the opportunity to review payment and financing options in order to maximize planning for their budgetary needs.

Is a Non-Surgical Breast Lift Possible?

Due to its complex nature, a surgical procedure is the only true way to counteract the weakened structure and excess fat, skin, and glandular tissue that cause breasts to sag. Non-surgical options, such as creams and “breast lift exercises” simply cannot resolve the underlying reasons necessary to make actual, significant improvements. In particular, the exercises that claim to lift breasts are ineffective because the movements will only tone the pectoral muscles without creating an overall more youthful and perky outcome. While alternative methods may help to improve concerns on a much smaller scale, a mastopexy is still the most effective way to accomplish an actual “lift” with long-lasting, proportional, beautifully contoured results.

Would you like to learn more about breast lift surgery?

For additional information on breast lift surgery, or if you are ready to schedule a complimentary consultation to explore your options, please contact Luxxery Boutique today.