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With the state-of-the-art body contouring options available here at Luxxury Boutique, you can enhance the appearance of your body and achieve a more youthful and fit look. Our plastic surgeons are experienced with advanced techniques designed to remove excess fat deposits, tighten the skin, and rejuvenate the body with results that look both natural and beautiful.

You can learn more about our body enhancement options in the sections below. If you would like additional information, or if you are ready to schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons, please don’t hesitate to contact Luxxury Boutique today.


Liposuction can be an excellent way to get rid of excess fat that has collected in specific regions of the body. Our bodies have a tendency to deposit fat into storage sites that become resistant to all forms of exercise and dieting. Liposuction is simply going into the fatty layers of those areas and suctioning out fat. Our practice utilizes advanced liposuction techniques such as the ultrasonic and tumescent methods, which are two of the most popular and effective ways to perform this treatment.

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Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure designed to tighten stretched abdominal muscles while removing wrinkled skin and excess fat below the belly button. In most cases, the procedure restores weakened or separated muscles, creating an abdominal profile that is both smooth and firm. Tummy tuck surgery can create a flatter, more fit-looking abdomen with beautiful results.

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Mini-Tummy Tuck (Cherry Tummy Tuck)

A mini-tummy tuck procedure often involves a combination of liposuction and the removal of loose skin without tightening the abdominal muscles. We refer to this procedure as the “Cherry Tummy Tuck,” named after our experienced Surgical First Assistant Cherry Fluker. Cherry is an instrumental part of these operations, lending her extensive knowledge and skills to our plastic surgeons to help them produce the best possible outcomes and beautiful new abdominal contours.

Mini-tummy tuck surgery typically requires a less extensive incision, leading to a scar that is not as lengthy when compared to a traditional tummy tuck. A mini-tummy tuck also usually results in a shorter recovery process. However, a mini-tummy tuck is designed to address abdominal concerns that are more moderate in nature. Patients with certain aesthetic goals and those who are affected by more severe levels of excess skin and muscle laxity in the abdominal area may be better-suited to a full tummy tuck procedure. Our plastic surgeon can help you determine the best option for your needs once you have been examined during the initial consultation.

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BodyTite is a state-of-the-art, minimally-invasive technique often used in combination with liposuction. This treatment utilizes RFAL (Radiofrequency-Assisted Lipolysis) technology to help reduce excess fat and tighten the skin in targeted body areas.

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CoolSculpting® is one of the most revolutionary treatments for the reduction of excess fat pockets to come along in quite some time. CoolSculpting® is completely non-surgical, using a technology known as Cryolipolysis to essentially “freeze” fat cells in isolated areas of the body, ultimately leading to their gradual expulsion via the body’s natural processes. This treatment requires no needles or anesthesia, and most patients do not need a period of downtime following the procedure.

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Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian butt lift is a popular procedure that can enhance the contour and appearance of the buttocks without the need for buttock implants. In fact, Brazilian butt lift surgery utilizes excess fat cells taken via liposuction from another area of the body for precise placement in the buttocks to enhance shape, contour, and appearance. Essentially, this procedure offers two major aesthetic benefits: liposuction in one body region followed by enhancement and rejuvenation of another.

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Thigh Lift

Thigh lift surgery (thighplasty) can address loose, inelastic skin and/or excess fat that has collected in the upper thighs. Depending on each patient’s needs, a thigh lift can be performed with liposuction to remove excess fat; however, those who are primarily affected by excess skin rather than fat may only need the lifting component of the procedure. During a thigh lift, the excess skin will be removed and the remaining skin tightened and reshaped to create improved contours and a smoother, firmer result.

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Lower Body Lift

The lower body lift can result in a total transformation of the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. This procedure removes loose skin around the midsection of the body and pulls the remaining skin taut for comprehensive recontouring and firming of the skin in this area. Lower body lift surgery can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have lost large amounts of weight and are experiencing an excess amount of loose, hanging skin in regions of the mid- to lower body. Since this procedure involves surgery that is performed on multiple areas, a recovery period of approximately four to six weeks is typically necessary; however, many patients are able to resume certain kinds of work and light activities after approximately two to four weeks.

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Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Brachioplasty, commonly known as arm lift surgery, is a procedure that reshapes the underside of the upper arm from the underarm region to the elbow. Many individuals experience an excess amount of lax, inelastic skin that develops in this area over time, often having a noticeable effect on upper arm contours. In some cases, a collection of excess fat in the upper arms can contribute to the concern. An arm lift can remove the excess skin and redrape the remaining skin to provide a more youthful contour and smoother, firmer results. This treatment can also be combined with liposuction of the upper arms (if necessary) to produce the best possible aesthetic outcome.

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Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery for women seeking to address aesthetic or functional concerns with labial tissues. Pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, traumatic injury, the natural aging process, and even hereditary factors can lead to enlarged, stretched, or asymmetrical labial tissue. The condition is very common and can cause physical discomfort and self-consciousness. A labiaplasty procedure can remove excess tissue and reshape the remaining tissue to provide enhanced comfort and an improved appearance.

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