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What Skincare Treatments Can Help My Acne?

There is good news for those of us who continuously struggle with acne flare-ups and breakouts that seem to always be just around the corner. Numerous advances in the prevention and treatment of acne have made it possible to effectively address this common condition and help many individuals achieve – and maintain – clearer, healthier-looking skin. Here at Luxxery Boutique, we offer a variety of skin and facial treatments for patients who are looking for new options to help them fight acne and even minimize signs of mild acne scars from previous breakouts. 

Skincare products in the VI Derm Beauty line can help with active acne, and certain Retinol products can be a good option for many individuals who are trying to purge clogged pores and prevent future flare-ups. Additionally, photorejuvenation therapy, also known as IPL therapy, is a treatment that harnesses the power of light energy to address acne. For patients who are trying to reduce the appearance of mild acne scars, there are several state-of-the-art procedures that have proven successful for addressing those concerns. DermaPen® skin needling (also known as “microneedling”) makes very small punctures in the upper skin layers to encourage the skin to repair itself, which can ultimately diminish signs of the acne scar and help create a smoother appearance. Microdermabrasion, which is a high-level technique for exfoliation, can also treat acne scars. This option focuses on removing damaged skin layers on the surface and stimulating collagen production in the deeper layers. Finally, chemical facial peels may be the most ideal option for some patients. Luxxery Boutique offers a number of advanced chemical peels that can help improve several different aesthetic concerns, including mild acne scarring. 

A member of our experienced team will be happy to meet with you to evaluate your skin and talk with you about the best options for your needs. Thankfully, there are more solutions for acne than ever before, and we can help you on the journey to clearer, more beautiful skin!