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Why Is Today’s Breast Augmentation Better Than Ever?

Breast ImplantsBreast Augmentation is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures. Women seek breast implant surgery for many different reasons. Some want to feel sexier, some need help making their breasts symmetrical, some want to reshape their bodies after pregnancy, and the list goes on. Nowadays the surgical techniques and options have improved breast augmentation greatly and provide impressive results. Here are a few reasons as to why breast augmentation surgery has evolved greatly over the last few years.

Better Surgeons

Nowadays school and training are a lot more advanced than it once was. Because training is more advanced surgeons can learn more and offer more options to their patients. When searching for a plastic surgeon it is important to pick a surgeon that is up to date with the latest breast implant trends and types of implants to make sure you have all the options you could want in front of you.

More Implant Options

In the recent years’ implants have come a long way. Now, there are so many more options and better selections when choosing the right breast implant for you. You should take into consideration size and material of your implants before you decide which one is best for the goal you’re trying to achieve. Saline implants are inserted first and then filled to achieve the specific results you want. They use a sterile saltwater solution. Silicone implants are very similar to natural breast tissue. They are made of a thick, viscous polymer. In the past there was always concerns with implant leakage or rupture. Newer implants are now made of cohesive gel. If the outer shell of the implant ruptures the gel will stay in place and not leak. Also, nowadays you can choose what type of shape you want. The only shape you used to be able to choose from was round. With today’s technology you can choose from a broader range of shapes for your breast implant.

Newer Techniques

In addition to having more implant options, there are also more options for the technique used during surgery. It is recommended to make incisions in three possible locations. These locations are under the arms, around the nipple, or in the creases underneath the breasts. Inserting the implant in one of these locations allows for the scar to be better hidden. You get to choose which one of these you are most comfortable with.

Easier Recoveries

Where you make the incision and the size of the implant will play a role in how long it takes for you to recover. These days it is a lot easier than the past to recover. Within 5-7 days you will be able to return to normal activities. During these 5-7 days you can do some light activity but should keep it limited.